You'll find a brand new "Export" button on the top right of the Features, Artifacts, and Users list view. And that lets you export data right into a CSV.

Get exportin'. 💾

Other fixes & improvements 🐞

  • Quick add bar: click the (+) in the navbar to quickly add a new feature, artifact or user.
  • Linking artifacts to features has been revamped with an inline search and is now a lot quicker than before.
  • Banner notifications (or "toasts") now show up at the bottom in a dismissible widget instead of taking up space at the top.
  • The toolbar on the feature, artifact and user page has been cleaned up and some functionality has been moved to the overflow ellipsis on the right.
  • Creating e.g. a new feature now no longer opens a modal but a quicker inline form instead.

6 months ago